Thursday, August 4, 2011

Week 19: Zach's Shark

So, it's shark week and many people are putting up some pretty fun doodles of their sharks. Casey suggested taking a break from our 'steam punk Arthurians' for the week and the peer pressure was more than most could stand.

Plus, how can I say 'no' to gigantic sharks.
A fan of the Hammer-head shark since childhood (and having to deal with sharks in Florida...) here's my caffiene deprived homage to:

Shark Week.

Pretty fun project. I went with the first idea that popped, doodled & colors in under an hour. Like it should be.

snap snap.


  1. You certainly took the title of 'most berserko' this week my friend. Excellent work!

  2. i live by the berserko-credo.

  3. Is that a naked woman taming the shark?
