Tuesday, November 6, 2012

TTT: 21 - President Taft

Election Day! And in honor of that event, we're doing Presidents this week.

Ahh, William Howard Taft, where do I begin? The walrus mustache? The 300 lb, 6'2" frame? The episode where said girthy physique got stuck in a bathtub on his inauguration day and had to be dislodged by four (underpaid) attendants - yes, let's go with that.

Other Taft related factoids to impress your friends and neighbors:

- Didja know that after his presidency, Taft served as the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court from 1921 to 1930.

- Anders Zorn painted Taft's official presidential portrait. Don't know who Zorn is or anything about his exquisite use of a limited palette? You're missing out, go read up over here - BAM. Also, HERE!

- The Secret Service's codename for him was "Pruney."

- After the aforementioned "bathtub incident", Taft had a special bathtub made up that was large enough to fit four normal sized men OR one awesome sized President Taft.

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