Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Week 9: Charlie

A good shift from our current line up of bad-guys. We're tackling the beasts close to our heart.

This week, is Casey's mutt; Charlie!
(aka: Charlie Boy).

Charlie has insane-o hair. Parts of his fur looks like toupee's tacked onto another dog. It's pretty rad, really. The thing I notice every time I see this goob, is his parade like tail and odd widow's peak.

Enjoy the furry monster!

snap snap!


  1. Yup, you pretty much nailed the tail there man.

    Air snaps, "yap, yap, yap....."

  2. ahhh. my bad. I could have sworn it was "snap snap".
    His tail outdoes the hat shenanigans at the royal wedding.
